Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Achitecture Assigment

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
La Pedrera, Spain - Joseph Maria Jujo

Sculptured House, USA - Charles Utter Deaton

Nautilus House, Mexico - Javier Senosiain

Hundertwasserhaus - Joseph Krawina and Peter Pelikan

Atomium, Belgium - Andre Waterkeyn

2. When was it built?
La Pedrera, Spain - 1912

Sculptured House, USA - 1963

Nautilus House, Mexico - 2006

Hundertwasserhaus - between 1983 and 1986

Atomium, Belgium - 1958

3. Where is it located?
La Pedrera - Spain

Sculptured House - USA

Nautilus House - Mexico

Hundertwasserhaus - Austria

Atomium - Belgium

4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
La Pedrera, Spain - Public

Sculptured House, USA - Private

Nautilus House, Mexico - Private

Hundertwasserhaus - Public

Atomium, Belgium - Public

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
La Pedrera, Spain - No

Sculptured House, USA - No, but it had been sold for about $5.5 Million Years ago

Nautilus House, Mexico - No

Hundertwasserhaus - 7122000 Euro

Atomium, Belgium - No

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
La Pedrera, Spain - It was upon the request of Pere Mila

Sculptured House, USA - He wanted to build a house on the tallest peak of the mountain in colorado

Nautilus House, Mexico - Bringing the life aquatic into architecture

Hundertwasserhaus - Man built it for no charge

Atomium, Belgium - Its monumental to Belgium

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
Sculptured House, USA - Somewhat isolated from everything else, a lot of nature surrounding you and its in a fresh cool weather type state, The glass windows that are about 10-20 feet high is very spectacular. Giving it the look that you can see everything in the distance.